Thursday, November 28, 2019

The motivation behind the september 11th attacks Essays - Crime

The motivation behind the september 11th attacks 08528050 December 17, 2016 Sheafer Trenary Perspective of Homeland Security1000000 December 17, 2016 Sheafer Trenary Perspective of Homeland Security Terrorist attacks on American soil prior to 9/11 from another country was the first World Trade Center attack on February 26, 1993. This attack was not seen as a wakeup call to that time . The attack in 1993 was significant in terms of loss it had little impact on the United States of America. Previously, Middle Eastern terrorists had staged attacks against American interests in other parts of the world. In October 2000, al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the USS Cole In Aden Harbor, and Yemen. The terrorists approached the ship in a small boat and exploded a bomb once they were close to the ship. The explosion resulted in 17 sailors being killed and 39 others injured. On August 7,1998, al-Qaeda used car bombs to a ttack the U.S. embassies in Dares Salaam , Tanzania, and Kenya. Osama bin Laden took credit for the bombings, stating that they were a response to the American invasion of Somali (Wright 2006). The Deadliest terrorist attack on Americans prior to the attacks on 9/11 occurred in 1998 when terrorists planted explosives on Pan Am Flight 103 leaving London's airport destined for New York. The B oeing 747 crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland. All passengers on and crew on the flights were killed. The Attacks on 9/11 were prosecuted by an outside terrorist group that had international standing, support, funding, and history of attacking Americans. The 9/11 attacks resulted in new thinking at all levels of the government. President George W. Bush Immediately went to war and declared a "war on terrorism." The Bush administration pushed forward the idea that Sadaam Hussein, the leader of Iraq, was amassing weapons of mass destruction and would provide them terrorists to attack the United States. When the attacks on 9/11 occurred, America was not only vulnerable to attack, but was very unprepared to prevent it. In the Commission Report by referring to page147 of the report which says, "By his own Account, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's animus toward the united states stemmed not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel." In an interview with Bin Laden in 1997 Bin Laden said, "we declared jihad against the U.S. government, because the U.S government is unjust, Criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly responsible for those who were killed in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq." The outline of the 9/11 plot, Staff statement no. 16, from the 9/11 commission: "Atta was chosen as the emir, or leader, of the mission. He met with Bin Ladin to discuss the targets: The World Trade Center, which represented the U.S. economy; the pentagon, a symbol of the U.S. military; and the U.S. Capitol, the perceived source of U.S. policy in support of Israel. Homeland Securtiy , Larry K Gaines and Victor E. Kappeler published 2012

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Temperature Effect essays

A Temperature Effect essays Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed up the rate of specific biological reactions. The first thing to notice in enzyme characteristics is that enzymes are almost all proteins, often globular proteins. They are long chains of amino acid units held together by peptide bonds. Enzymes are much more specific than simple catalysts. Numerous reactions occur within a cell and it is the enzymes job to assist by reducing the activation energy required to set a reaction going. The name enzyme was suggested in 1867 by a German physiologist Wilhelm Kuhne. It was later, in 1894, a German biochemist Emil Fischer found the lock and key hypothesis of enzyme action. ( 1) A catalyst is defined as a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being permanently changed during the process. ( 2) In this experiment the purpose was to see if temperature has an effect on the activity of catalysts. METHODS Starting the experiment, a drop of the liver extract and a dropper of tap water were placed into four tubes. Number each tube 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A for reference. Next, with different test tubes, place 1 dropper of hydrogen peroxide into each tube, labeling them 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B for reference. Corresponding tubes were placed together so both would be at the same temperature. In a cup of crushed ice, place tubes 1A and 1B into the cup. Tubes 2A and 2B place in the test tube rack at room temperature. In a beaker of water measuring 70 C, place tubes 3A and 3B. In a beaker of boiling water, tubes 4A and 4B were placed together. After each tube is in its designated place, let them sit for five minutes (enough time for the reactions to occur). After time has passed, place corresponding tubes into ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 96

Assignment Example However, the same has left far behind the concept of in-depth learning, leaving majority of students in confused state. As rightly stated by MacGillis (2004), the marketing efforts of various vendors to sell their products for annual test preparation and evaluation are resulting in a ‘digital divide’ between poor and rich students. While billions of dollars from public fund have been invested to enhance the learning skills of all students, it is observed that needy students find it difficult to learn the advanced skills, as they are still trying to cope-up with the computer basics. Software industry leaders, having their own vested interests, highlight the advantages of such advanced learning and testing software, while they try to suppress the criticism related to same. However, major causality in such software drills remains the concepts of constructive learning. Using human brains is much more important than being entirely dependant on computers. Computer programs may provide intelligent information and solution, but using the same requires diligence, on the part of students. Solutions for ending such digital inequity cannot include discontinuing with subject software drills or other ‘compass learning’ programs, while we need to find viable resolution to this man-made divide. MacGillis (2004) has rightly given the example of schools in Howard County, where students use ‘open programs’ instead of closed ones, as offered by such software drills. The open programs help students to be creative and learn through analytical thinking. This can be one of the solutions for this problem. I do agree with the author of this article that the educational administrators may not have closely examined the issue of gender equity, while pushing for information technology-aided learning programs. The following observations need to be noted, in this direction. To help students with getting accustomed to learning through

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Please answer the 5 uploaded questions about Marketing thoroughly Research Paper

Please answer the 5 uploaded questions about Marketing thoroughly - Research Paper Example If the three parties are involved in the project then it is called for generalized exchanges. The complex exchange involves between networks of people. The manufacturer, TV station, Radio station are involved in the complex exchanges. Strategic plans are in many different shape and sizes. There are some below mentioned components which describes elaborately. Strategic plan is the game plan of the organization as well as management. The strategic plan is the key factors for new business policy. A strategic plan includes following components. The business cycle analyzes the growth and decline situation in the economy. This cycle indicates the growth and decline and saturation period. This cycle is needed to identify the growth and slowdown period. Contraction: At the slowing down situation in the market, this situation arises, basically in the bear market. At the bear market situation customer are not ready to invest money to the business as they are risk averse. This is the demand and supply situation of the market. As demand increases the employment will increase and job rate is also increased. Demand of the consumer product will increase as the market demand increases. Social responsibility means developing business with positive responsibility. It is also measure the overall performance of the organization. Every organization has some social responsibility. They facilitate the backward community people for further study and do some charitable work for the societal development. Some of the company’s main factor is to invest money to the other organization as social responsibility (Pride and Ferrell, 2012). The social and business organizations are both benefited by the social responsibility. The organization has moral responsibility to serve society for welfare contribution. There some key factors are to be identifying the performance of the social work involvement of the organization. The people getting job, pay

Monday, November 18, 2019 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - Research Paper Example Media researchers and experts today offer new methods to interact that have their basis on the internet as a means of communication. Modern media has created a completely new world, especially in social relations and has managed to create significant changes in the societal communications. The most recent form of human relations has been shepherded by the internet and social networks. Through sharing their private world and minimizing physical distance, and other social networks provide an easier way. Every user is at the same level, apparently, and can experience widespread communication in spite of geographical and political borders. The increasing tendency towards Facebook shows that the internet has been greatly affected by it. Considering this, is a pioneer in social networks and is considered as the world’s largest site. With the spread of Facebook, relations are now wider and closer than they have been in the past. In fact, Facebook has now bec ome a part of people’s lives, which is inseparable; it has both negative and positive effects on a person’s life. It is believed by various experts that Facebook has seen relationships enter a new phase where individuals are more aware of one another faster and better. However, on the other hand, other experts believe that Facebook has created many issues. The excessive use of the social networking site, for example, could lead to serious psychological issues that include sever excitement, egotism, anti-social behaviors, and teenage aggression. Facebook users of all ages, it is believed, are more susceptible to getting psychological disorders than those, not on the site (Foregger 26). Based on an announcement by Facebook, there are 200,000 new users each day, which has turned the site into a human network of hundreds of millions (Kord 41). The networking site’s increasing popularity has led to some remarkable commercial perspectives for internet profiteers as th ey each attempt to take control of some piece of the site. This popularity, meanwhile, has been harnessed in pushing social and political programs. Facebook and other similar social networking sites apparently work to form a space for electronic presence of persons, although they are in the service of intelligence and news organizations (Kord 41). While Facebook membership is free, nothing is ever free, and in order to use the free electronic services provided by Facebook, people have to put most of their mysteries at these network’s disposal (Kord 42). Julian Assange, the founder of whistle blowing site Wiki leaks, claims that the site is probably the most efficient and hateful spying tool that the US government has created to this point. In addition, he contends that that anyone adding their names and their friends’ characteristics to Facebook needs to be aware that he/she is acting in the interest of spying agencies in the United States, acting to complete their dat abase for them. Facebook, according to Assange, acts as a large database of records and names of various individuals that each user puts at the disposal of the site voluntarily. However, the same tool is also used by spying agencies in the US, which have access to the information saved by the user on Facebook, which can be taken as a dangerous means against other countries (Kord 43). A number of experts have also pointed out that Facebook harms family integration, creating numerous issues for families and young people (Golbeck 37). One recent example of this is the incidence in which a number of lawyers from the United States announced that 20% of divorces in the country came from Facebook related incidents. Indeed, Facebook’

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Purpose Of Research In Social Work Social Work Essay

The Purpose Of Research In Social Work Social Work Essay This essay will focus on how EBP and practice wisdom should be combined and not seen as opposing opposites as together they have great value for social work practice. Also both should determine the practitioners decision making processes in practice because failing to do so could actually be oppressive to both service users and practitioners. Also this integration could facilitate and encourage the use of research amongst social work practitioners in day to day practice. EBP in social work has been implemented at a slow pace and has not been greatly embraced and valued by practitioners (McNeill, 2006; Pignotti and Thyer, 2009; Mitchell 2011, Nevo and Nevo, 2011). Epstein (2011) highlights how practitioners have voiced that they resent EBP as it presents as a threat to their autonomy and creativity. This idea of EB knowledge solely determining practice could be perceived by practitioners as disempowering. An approach that devalues practice wisdom and professional judgement in favour of objective, manualised, and empirically supported interventions (Webb, 2001; Nevo and Nevo, 2011) can be seen to undermine professional autonomy as it places authority of science over the authority of the practitioner (Nevo and Nevo, 2011). Furthermore it can actually be seen to oppress practitioners as it seems to be controlling their decision making process that may often conflict with their practice wisdom. An approach that alongside EB knowledge also embraced practic e based knowledge may be of more use and value to practitioners and may be more likely to be used in practice as it detaches EBP from its solely scientific and thus its oppressive nature. It is now increasingly being recognised in the EBP literature that social work values and practitioner wisdom need to be integrated with practice; however this integration is often unclear (Epstein, 2009; Mitchell, 2011; Nevo and Nevo, 2011). A shift towards evidence informed practice (EIP) rather than evidence based practice is now being recognised (Epstein, 2009; Haight, 2010; Nevo and Nevo, 2011). However practice is wisdom is still not acknowledged amongst some EIP advocates for example Haight (2010) but is greatly valued amongst others such as Nevo and Nevo (2011). Stoesz (2010) argues that the social work profession is too subjective and reflexive and argues that only scientific evidence is acceptable and ethical as anything else could be depriving an individual of effective treatment (Stoesz, 2010; Gambrill, 2010). Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are seen to provide gold standard evidence for practice to be based on. Qualitative research and practice wisdom or clinical judgments are valued the least as are less scientific (Corby, 2006; Epstein, 2002; Dodd and Epstein, 2012). Epstein (2009) rejects the use of RCTs on ethical grounds as the methodology deprives the one group of intervention. RCTs may have value for research findings and in turn practice but its research methodology is unethical to some service users. Ethics is of great importance within social work as it is of importance that social workers be ethical professionals and work anti oppressively. And also be guided by research (Nevo and Nevo, 2011). BASW (2012) code of ethics states that evidence informed knowledge derived from research and practice evaluation is the basis of methodology in social work. However if practitioners are not using EB knowledge and are using only practice wisdom this could be depriving service users from an effective treatment and is not integrating evidence into practice. What would be of more value is to encourage and accept EB knowledge and practice wisdom so that not one or the other, but both are valued and used by practitioners so that research is being incorporated into and informing social work practice as BASW (2012) states. Also BASW (2012) states that knowledge should also come from practice evaluation and mentions acknowledging context but does not mention practice wisdom. This evidence informed approach whereby acknowledging being specific to context but that does not mention practice wisdom is similar to EIP advocated by Haight (2010). To ignore the existence of practice based wisdom and its perceived value by practitioners in influencing their decision making process will only further limit the potential of integrating EB research into practice. McNeill (2006) highlights how practitioners decision making is not driven by research findings, even when provided with evidence of intervention effectiveness. Gambrill (2006) acknowledges how in social work practice a number of unsupported interventions are conventionally used and accepted in practice that are based on professional authority and clinical experience and not research evidence. Pignotti and Thyer (2009) concluded that just because social workers valued and used EBP interventions they also valued and used Novel unsupported therapies (NUTs) in practice. This could suggest that practice wisdom is valued in the decision making process and could be of priority even when provided with evidence of an interventions effectiveness (Gambrill, 2006; McNeill, 2006). It also could suggest that both EBP and practice wisdom are also co-existing in the decision making process in practice (Pignotti and Thyer, 2009). Pignotti and Thyer (2009) highlights how little is known about why social work practitioners choose NUTs. Similar Research could be of value in potentially identifying how Practice wisdom as well as EB knowledge together both are being used and are of value to practice. Mitchell (2011) illustrates how the sole use of EBP had limited valuable application in real world practice. Mitchell (2011) found that when attempting to implement EB services for young people with complex needs, this was limited without the integration of practice wisdom. As most research focuses on a single disorder or problem it is difficult to implement such research when faced with complex factors that interact in complex ways in real world settings. Also it could be seen as unethical and oppressive to arrange and reduce human beings using solely scientific EB interventions. Corby (2006) states how human beings are too complex to assume a one size fits all approach. In such complex cases as encountered by Mitchell (2001) practice wisdom and EBP were integrated in order to make a decision based not only on evidence but of relevance to the case at hand. Fook (2012) describes how a reflective practitioner situates themselves and their knowledge in the specific context of a situati on, looking at the situation as a whole and in relation to their own experiences. Although the term of practice wisdom is not used this seems to reflect some of the nature of practice wisdom and how it can be of use to each individual case. With exclusion of their own experiences Fook (2012) also seems to reflect BASW (2012) concerning Evidence informed knowledge. It seems to be now increasingly acknowledged that practitioners are not passive recipients or implementers of information, however in addition to this practice based wisdom should also be acknowledged as of value. The understanding of the processes of how EB knowledge and practice based knowledge are integrated into practice is of importance to the purpose of research in social work. The integration of research and practice may then be of perceived value to practitioners. One of Mitchells (2011) main arguments was that the main barriers to implementation and value of EBP in real world practice is the oppositional construction that remains concerning EBP verses practice based wisdom. Fook (2012) describes the notion of dichotomous thinking whereby most phenomena are seen to fit into binary and oppositional categories, with one being devalued in relation to the other. This dichotomous thinking appears to be occurring within social work research and practice in relation to EBP and practice wisdom.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Study of William Blake’s Poems of Experience :: English Literature

Study of William Blake’s Poems of Experience Most of William Blake’s poetry that I have studied has had a major theme or themes such as religion or oppression and usually his poems also use symbolism to get across the point. I am going to study closer two poems: The Tiger and A Poison Tree. The Tiger is a very famous poem and is one of the more popular poems written by Blake. I feel that the poem is about religion, creation and the French Revolution, which took place in France around the time, that Blake was writing these poems. I think that the Tiger itself is a personification of evil, which you could say is the French Revolution as many Europeans thought that the revolution was an evil thing. The animal, the Tiger is also a very strong, ferocious animal that hunts its prey very well. Again there are connections with the revolution, which was very strong and ferocious and did not stop until it got what it wanted like a tiger doesn’t stop until it gets its prey. The poem starts of by saying that the Tiger is ‘burning’, which I thinks means that the revolution is alive and burning. The word burning gives a slow but steady feeling so that it makes the reader think that the revolution is alive but it has not yet hit full force and is just biding its time before it can make that crucial hit. The first verse ends by asking a question ‘What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry’. I think that this refers to how quickly the revolution got out of control and who could possibly control it after that. Many other countries joined in to help the king of France but were they enough to stop the revolution? Through the second, third and fourth verses Blake gives a very strong image of the ‘Tiger’ being created possibly by God himself. Blake uses phrases such as ‘sinews of thy heart’, which gives a feeling of a very strong and unforgiving thing being produced. Then he moves on to speak of what tools could have created the ‘Tiger’ and Blake mentions tools such as a hammer, a furnace and an anvil which are all tools used in forging metal and heavy industry such as that. This gives the reader a sense of the ‘Tiger’ being very strong and tough. Also the image of a furnace burning relates back to the revolution burning and it makes me think of things which you don’t touch or go near as they are very dangerous. This could be related to the dangerousness of the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alternatives for the decision regarding the high lead found in the whistles Essay

The situation of determining how to handle the recently discovered high lead content in the large whistles order is a difficult one that will in some way affect the company. Three alternatives have been made to allow options for this decision. Alternative 1: Say nothing; allow the whistles shipment to go without notifying the customer. Alternative 2: Replace the customer’s order by providing whistles that meet the appropriate company standards. Alternative 3: Contact the customer and explain the situation, offer them a discount for on the whistles that are lower than the company standard. Decision Process The process for choosing the three alternatives began by identifying the decision to be made. The decision at hand is what to do with the information discovered about the order of whistles going to a school in South America. This is a big decision that will affect the company in each alternative. The next step of the process is listing options possible for the situation, and then studying those options by listing advantages and disadvantages of each. Then the decision was made by choosing the best overall solution for the decision. And lastly the decision was evaluated to determine if the results were what was expected. The three options for this decision are listed above; say nothing to the customer, replace the order, or try to make a deal for the customer. Each option is motivated by a result that will benefit the company financially, ethically, or a mixture of both. The idea behind the alternative 1 decision was to save money upfront and not bother with order changes and other inconveniences for the company. In studying this option the advantage of this would be to save money and time for the company. The disadvantage would be a possibly unhappy customer, an unethical move which could make employees see the company as being unfair; giving a poor product that could be hazardous to children. The legal ramifications of this alternative would be risky if the a child became ill from the use of the whistles and the company was blamed, sued, etc. The idea behind the alternative 2 decision was to replace the customers order with whistles that are not potentially hazardous and meets the company standards. The advantage of this option is not putting the company in an unethical situation of trying to pass products that are under par for high quality. This will help set a standard of ethics in the company that could motivate employees to do good work. The disadvantage of this option is that it will cost the company $100,000. The financial loss could take a long time to recover from, the positive influence on employees won’t immediately compensate for the loss. There would not be a legal issue with this option. The idea behind the alternative 3 decision was to try and contact the customer and explain the situation and let them decide if they would like the whistles replaced or to take the hazardous whistles at a discount. The advantage of this alternative is that the customer could decide to keep the original whistles which would still save the company a considerable amount of money cutting the losses to a much smaller amount. Also it would show that the company had the customer’s best interest in mind. The disadvantage of this option is that it could reflect negatively on the company still because we can’t really determine how the customer will feel about the whistles that are potentially hazardous. They customer might think that the company is trying to cut corners and save themselves money. This would be bad for future business. Legally the customer would probably not try and sue the company, but there is still the potential issue of the company being reported as manufactur ing products with too high of a lead content. This would kill the company’s reputation and the customer relationships of other clients. Recommendation Alternative 2 is the recommended decision; replacing the customer’s order by providing whistles that meet the appropriate company standards. This decision was made by both ethical and financial decisions. Ethically this alternative is the most appropriate. The customer contacted the company to provide a product to be used in the South American schools. It would be unethical to provide the customer with a product that is below the company and country standards even though they are not violating the South American standard. The customer chose this company over a foreign company to give a quality and safe product. This recommendation will positively affect the company because they will possibly become more favorable in the eyes of the customer, with the possibility of more business in the future from them and their business relations. This option was chosen not only for company recognition, but also to save children from a potentially hazardous experience. This option will be a great cost to the company, but the positive experience from both the customer and employees. By creating a culture of â€Å"wanting to do what is right† will help future sales and the company will gradually earn the loss in funds back over time. Customer relationships Considering the outcome on the customer relationship is an important part of the decision making process. We have to ask ourselves how will the customer feel about our decision, how will it influence them and how will it influence the company? By choosing alternative 2, to replace the whistles, the company will look favorably to the customer, being the school buying the whistles. Though the company will merely be providing the product that was originally agreed upon for the initial sale, the customer will realize that the company is sacrificing to replace the whistles and they will go away with a positive relationship with the company. This experience is sure to foster future business from the customer because of the positive experience they experienced. They will also be more likely to recommend the company to their peers and the company could gain substantial business from the experience. The children who would be ultimately affected by the quality of the whistles will feel good about receiving a quality, non-hazardous product, and the parents of the children will be grateful knowing that the company behaved ethically. This could also create future business for the company by providing the children and parents with a positive experience from the company. The company employees will see the standard of ethics portrayed by the company and it will reflect in their work. By giving an example of a high ethical standard it is likely that employees will take greater pride in their work which will affect the company in a positive way. The company’s decision will affect multiple stages of people, their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors will help the company in the long run to regain the loss taken from replacing the whistles. The financial gains will be gradual yet immeasurable in the long run of creating a company with a superior ethical standard. Social Responsibility In a corporation, social responsibility is behaving ethically as individual workers and together as a company to be sensitive toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues. This means that the company doesn’t always do what’s best for its self but rather do what is best for their environment, customers, employees, culture, etc. Social responsibility is a big part of the decision making process because decisions made by the company not only affect the company alone, it affects employees, the economy, the customers, and the environment. These decisions and methods are important when considering long-term business operations. The decision making process for the situation had many factors involved. The most noticeable factor was the cost of replacing the lower quality whistles with a product that is up to the company’s standard and isn’t potentially hazardous. There was multiple ways of looking the problem; ignoring it, saving the company money and hoping there was not issues with the product, or there was the option to replace the product with something the company could be proud of, a product that had no hazards for use by children, and doing what was appropriate ethically for the situation. Social responsibility played a major part in the decision to use alternative 2 and replace the order with whistles that didn’t have high amounts of lead. The choice to do what is best for the customer, environment, and the kids of the schools outweighed the option to save the company time and money.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Binge Drinking essays

Binge Drinking essays Objective: Reduction in students engaging in binge drinking during the past two to four weeks. Binge drinking has long been associated with the American High School senior as well as early college students. Reasons for this association have been diagnosed as everything from a newfound sense of freedom to the inability to consistently attain alcohol, which increases the desire to consume alcohol in mass quantities when available. However, studies show that there are many more factors, which can contribute to this well documented problem. Some possible reasons are the overall view of alcohol by most Americans as an acceptable way to socialize. American youths are exposed to it in movies, television, music, and by many of their parents. It may be fair to even go as far as saying that Americans view alcohol as a stepping stone into adulthood, that perhaps it enables students to react to the problems of the world in much the same way millions of adults do. In theory adult America is undoubtedly responsible for all ideas directly or indirectly related to the ideals that American y outh represents which includes their views on alcohol and how they interpret acceptable consumption of it. This in conclusion to this topic, leads the writer to believe that the only way in which student binge drinking can cease or at least decline in number is for the adult world of the United States to eliminate their blatant hypocrisy towards massive alcohol consumption. American adults must accept their obvious responsibility for the lackadaisical attitude towards alcohol by the youth. They must face the reality of the situation, which is that early on, kids are blasted with billboards, commercials, and their own parents social activity which all points to alcohol as an accepted form of American behavior. Only to be contradicted by inaccurate portrayals of drinking by D.A.R.E programs and deceiving 21 means 21 ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

10 Definition Essay Topics on the Climate Change Based on the Biocultural Approach

10 Definition Essay Topics on the Climate Change Based on the Biocultural Approach A definition essay is a creative piece of writing, which asks each student to come up with a single word and define it through the lens of the content in whatever piece of writing was assigned. In this case, with a focus on biocultural approaches, a student would need to pick a single word that might relate directly or tangentially to the topic and from there, define it based on content derived from the book. This requires students to look at a single topic within a larger topic, and from there find a single word that can be defined based on the context of the piece. That being said, finding facts to support your definition can be challenging, and above all else you want to find facts which help you best to make the definition you have selected a viable one. Below you will find a list of facts that can be used to support your definition essay, assuming the word which you are defining is one which can use the information provided. Review these with care and with your specific definition in mind: Philosophical viewpoints toward humanity and nature have historically viewed human impact as detrimental to the world of nature and something which has wrought dysfunction on the otherwise pristine and virgin natural environment which existed without human interference. This idea has made it challenging to define the relationship between nature and humans, as the only viable solutions presented were those which looked toward a non-human solution, a way of improving nature without humans. Historically studies have explored linguistic diversity as a single element as well as biological diversity as a single element. However, in each case the focus is on the single element and/or its impact on other cultural or natural elements, and not on one another. The field of biocultural diversity has taken from ethnoecological, ethnobiological, and anthropological insights in order to form a more comprehensive insight into the relationships between human knowledge, language, practice, and the environment. This has been a fundamental change as it alters the once widely accepted assumption of being an inextricable link between cultural diversity and biological diversity. The paradigm of sustainability is one which uses three distinct pillars to form its foundation, that of economy, society, and environment. Understanding traditional biodiversity plays a key role in this. As such, future development and application of improved biodiversity solutions are only made possible with sustainability and biodiversity working together. It was the International Society of Ethnobiology which declared in 1988 that there was a link between local and indigenous knowledge about plants, animals, habitats, ecological relations, functions, and low environmental impact that translated to sustainability of traditional forms for the use of natural resources. Humans have successfully maintained, as well as enhanced and in some cases even created biodiversity by way of the diverse cultural practices of managing otherwise â€Å"wild† resources and by the varied ways of raising domesticated animal species such as through animal husbandry, agroforestry, fire, and horticulture. This study was particularly important as a counter measure to the idea of bringing nature back to its â€Å"original† and â€Å"pristine† condition wherein it is no longer affected by humans. The findings actually suggested that there was a great link between the environment and humans, one which was interdependent and at a global level. That means that both humans and nature must be preserved together. Linguistic diversity functions as a web of intellectual life, something that envelops the Earth and is really essential to the survival of mankind in the same way that biology is paramount to the function of Earth. In fact, the role played by language and culture has been recognized as a potential fourth pillar to the previous three pillars which formed the notion of sustainable biodiversity. UNESCO as well as the IUCN, CBD, and UNEP have worked together to improve the synergies between cultural and biological diversities. The biocultural world is currently at a negative turning point which can be mitigated by practitioners, researchers, and activists who change their perspective toward biocultural knowledge and improve conservation of human culture in tandem with the conservation of nature. Humans have a responsibility to grow their economy and their future by cultural milestones and by preservation. One should not have to exist without the other, and in fact, cannot. Maintaining local cultures and revitalizing local languages is a form of conservation which should go hand in hand with the conservation of biodiversity, something which celebrates the past and its connection toward the future. People who are in the thick of the issue are those within the biocultural trenches and these are the people who can provide conceptual and political knowledge and tools to younger generations regarding the diversity within nature and within human culture which makes people, people. This knowledge is what will give people the opportunity to chart a new and sustainable path of culture and ecology. Diversity has been found to exist among plant and animal species, habitats, ecosystems, as well as human language and culture. Perhaps more surprising is that these ranges of diversities are not necessarily existent in separate realms which are parallel but rather, they exist in complex ways and interact among one another in a co-evolutionary fashion. The diversity of life is made up of interacting diversities which have developed with time to adapt toward mutual adaptation between the environment and humans in the form of a coevolutionary relationship. This is seen down to the local level, something which indicates that there is a deep connection between the two. Remember that these are only meant as a guide and you can choose to define whatever topic or word you select using whichever pieces of data you find best represent your overall purpose. If you find it difficult to select the right topic, look through our list that will help you with that. In other case, if there is a problem with an essay structure, use our guide on definition writing. Do not limit yourself to the facts above, but rather, take time to explore concepts and terms similar to your word and look for creative inspiration. Our writing service can be helpful if you experience troubles in academic paper writing. References Heckenberger, Michael. Biocultural Diversity In The Southern Amazon.  Diversity  2.1 (2009): 1-16. Web. Kerr, R. A. CLIMATE CHANGE: Humans And Nature Duel Over The Next Decades Climate.Science  317.5839 (2007): 746-747. Web. Kerr, R. A. CLIMATE CHANGE: Its Official: Humans Are Behind Most Of Global Warming.Science  291.5504 (2001): 566a-566. Web. Maffi, Luisa, and Ellen Woodley.  Biocultural Diversity Conservation. London: Earthscan, 2010. Print. Stepp, John R, Felice S Wyndham, and Rebecca K Zarger.  Ethnobiology And Biocultural Diversity. Athens, GA: International Society of Ethnobiology, 2002. Print. Vignieri, S. Humans Mitigate Climate Change Effects.  Science  337.6100 (2012): 1274-1274. Web. Weston, Burns H., and Tracy Bach. Recalibrating The Law Of Humans With The Laws Of Nature: Climate Change, Human Rights, And Intergenerational Justice.  SSRN Electronic Journal  n. pag. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Art with functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art with functions - Essay Example Therefore, the clarification of function depends on the context. Since, one can look at a piece of art and be able to tell its origin and time of its creation. In other instances, one tries to identify the artist, as he or she is half of the contextual equation. That is, what was the artist thinking about when he/she created the piece and to the viewer what does the piece of art mean right now, living in the moment. These factors are put in consideration before the assignment of function (Berkus 78). The function of art falls usually falls within three categories. These are physical, social and personal functions. In most cases, these three categories overlap in any given piece of art (Giovannini 235). The physical aspects of the functions of art are easy ones to deal with this is because works of art are to perform some physical functions. For example, e if one sees the Fijian war club may assume its function. However, brilliant the artisanship may be the club’s task is to perform the physical utility of smashing skulls. Another example is the Japanese Raku bowl that performs the physical functions in the tea ceremony. On the contrary, a fur- covered Dada teacup has no physical function. Art has social functions when it addresses collective aspects of life, rather than one person’s point of view. Political art usually performs this task. The fur- covered Dada teacup, which is useless for holding tea, when carried to social functions it is a protest to World War 1. In addition, satire performs social functions. William Hogarth and Francisco Goya both went this route, with different levels of success at enacting social change. In other instances, a piece of art in a community can achieve the social function of uplifting the community’s status. A Calder stabile is an outstanding example of a community’ s point of pride and a valuable treasure. The personal utilities of art are the most complex to explain because they are many and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 6

Marketing - Essay Example come the basic idea of marketing just before the discovery of internet marketing, it is important to understand the level in which businesses or firms have eventually evolved based on their capacity to introduce their offerings to prospective customers. Part of this paper prior to arguing the impact of internet on the dominant logic of marketing is the discussion of the basic concept of marketing. The basic information about this portion is the basis of probable identification on the level if any; the marketing concept has evolved from the basic. Marketing as we know about it is composed of sub functions such as selling, advertising and promotions. These sub functions are common areas where companies can actually establish their corporate advantage (Kotler and Keller, 2008). What makes marketing so alive today is due to underlying five orientations guiding any marketing effort of any organisation in their marketing activities. These five orientations involved production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept and societal marketing concept. Products or services are two most common offerings of companies, but today some of them seldom get much attention because of poor communication of information given to people. Some might have encountered a certain product or service but do not care enough due to lack of details or familiarity about it. A market-driven strategy is therefore important in order to get the consumers acquainted with company’s offerings. One of the ways to depict a market-driven company is to observe their interaction with their target buyers. Companies are always looking forward to unfed needs of their customers and thus they usually reward them with corresponding solutions. This is the case of customer-centered way of dealing business with marketing (Kotler and Keller, 2008). However, what seems to be the most significant and contrasting part here lies on the capacity of each firm to convey or impart information to its